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VM generated password for local admin user

This post explains how to use a vRA Software Component in vRA to implement a generated VM password (local user within Guest OS) and then display it to the user as part of a VM request.

Firstly, create a Software Component or edit an existing one. Add a “Computed” property named “LocalAdminPassword” (or whatever name you prefer). Enter the relevant below code (Bash for Linux or PowerShell for Windows) in the “Configure” life cycle action.

Bash (for Linux VMs):

########## BEGIN: Set password for 'root' ##########
## Generate a password 12 characters long
LocalAdminPassword=$(pwgen 12 1 -cn)
## Change root password and set to not expire
chage -I -1 -m 0 -M 99999 -E -1 root &> /dev/null
echo "root:$LocalAdminPassword" | sudo chpasswd &> /dev/null
passwd -e root &> /dev/null
echo "Configured 'root' User"
########## END: Set password for 'root' ##########

PowerShell (for Windows VMs):

########## BEGIN: Functions ##########
function Generate-Password {
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
    [int] $passwordlength,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
    [int] $minspecial
  ## Need a seed as Get-Random isn't always random when inside a loop!
  function Get-Seed {
    $randombytes=New-Object -typename 'System.Byte[]' 4
    $random=New-Object -Typename 'System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider'
  ## Need to ensure we use all 4 character groups
  for ($i=0; $i -lt $passwordlength ;$i++) {
    $passwordgroup=Get-Random -minimum 0 -maximum ($passwordgroupchecks.count ) -setseed (Get-Random)
    ## Before we get to the end of the password, lets check if all the groups have been used
    if ($i -gt ($passwordlength - $passwordgroupchecks.count) ) {
      :groupcheck foreach ($passwordgroupcheck in $passwordgroupchecks) {
        if ($passwordgroupcheck -eq 0 ) {
          break groupcheck
      ## Force special character
      if ($passwordgroupchecks[3] -lt $minspecial -and $i -lt ($passwordlength - $minspecial)) {$passwordgroup=3}
    $char=$chars[(Get-Random -minimum 0 -maximum $chars.length -setseed (Get-Seed))]
  return $password
########## END: Functions ##########

########## BEGIN: Set password for 'administrator' ##########
## Generate a password 12 characters long with a special character
$LocalAdminPassword = Generate-Password 12 1
## Use PowerShell cmdlets (where possible) if PS version is 5.1 and above else use 'net user' and 'wmic'
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5 -And $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor -ge 1) {
  $securepass = ConvertTo-SecureString $LocalAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force
  Set-LocalUser -Name "administrator" -Password $securepass -PasswordNeverExpires $false
  net user administrator /logonpasswordchg:yes
} else {
  net user administrator $InitialPassword
  WMIC USERACCOUNT WHERE "Name='administrator'" SET PasswordExpires=TRUE
  net user administrator /logonpasswordchg:yes
 Write-Output "Configured 'Administrator' User"
 ########## END: Set password for 'administrator' ##########

Assign the Software Component in a blueprint. Request the VM build and once built under the Software Component you will see the “LocalAdminPassword” property populated with the generated password.

Generated VM password
Published invRealize Automation


  1. austin austin

    Nice content Luke.

    • luke luke

      thanks ?

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